Refresh your perspective! 

Reset your nervous system! 

Quickly access inner peace!

Seize Your Perfect Now, Now

Perfect Now is an instant reset meditation technique that shows how you can align with the perfect state by quickly centering your focus on the ever-present peace in the now moment & anchoring it in your nervous system.


I am a boomer-wise free-thinker, thought leader, spiritual warrior goddess, & quantum field explorer who didn’t know this was my path as a young girl; only that I was different. These self-love qualities were stifled in me as a child, but I came to encourage them in my son & grandkids because I know how important they are to one’s personal freedom and enjoyment of life experience. That is the trick, isn’t it? To overcome limitations like oppressive childhood conditioning that instills a sense of low self-esteem, especially in women. Thankfully, I had an innate sense of independence and aversion to marriage that helped me get so far, but did not serve me when it came to relationships. Thus, I became an over-achieving workaholic single-parent with a penchant for wine to curb my anxiety, which meant I was far unlike the other kids' stay-at-home moms. I started to study metaphysics in 1989 with Stuart Wilde’s 'The Force’, but my major turning point came 20 years later in 2009 when I developed a herniated L4-L5 disc that caused excruciating nerve pain & required surgery. No kind of prescribed painkillers worked, and out of desperation I had the notion to ‘go into’ the pain & release it…and it worked! I could stop the pain as long as I held that space and I continued to use that technique after the surgery. Even more of a surprise is that I realized I was becoming more cognitively aware of the problems in my current situation & found solutions coming more quickly, as I developed a stronger sense of self & a loving inner ‘guidance’. So, it is true that all of the answers are within & one just needs the right technique to access them. There’s more to this story, but ‘going within’ has never failed me, from navigating my darkest panic attack to finding true love through divine inspiration. In fact, my inner guidance has rescued me from other bad situations based on misplaced loyalty, cut emotional cords from unhealthy relationships and find my own unique life path by knowing my truth. After 10+ years of staying attuned to guidance & with the addition of Ho’oponopono training that helped me clear my childhood trauma, I have become a meditation expert with a strong connection to the ‘love that just is’ in the quantum field. In my studious years of practise I learned to decipher the channeled wisdom that comes through, but not everyone has the ‘luxury’ of time that I had to learn these things or piece them together for humanity. What I wish is that more people will stop searching outside themselves for peace, love and abundance, and instead turn their attention inward to find those beautiful gifts with solutions already waiting. And yes, I have quelled my anxiety that threatened depression and the wine habit naturally subsided on its own, because that's how it works; meditation clears our hidden fears & opens our hearts more self-love. BTW: depression is a sign to go inside; not a sign to renew a prescription. As a former activist I know how we are manipulated beyond government and the only way to take control of our lives back is to be self-sovereign by mastering control of our thoughts and feelings with meditation techniques. With more thought leaders we can create a better world for everyone and leave a legacy of personal empowerment for our young ones that they can build on.    I'm super excited to offer my Super Meditation course because I made it as easy as possible for anyone to learn these simple but powerful techniques that help them take control of their lives & experience life from the natural joy that rises up from inner peace.

Seize this moment! Download 'Perfect Now'!

This is not woo-woo; this is fact. The Present Moment is the only place we actually exist; not the Past or the Future, but Right Now. Aren’t you curious what it's like to experience your Perfect Now?

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